Friday, February 10, 2012


Moving on to Junior Achievement...

Ahhh…Junior Achievement, how I love thee…  I started volunteering with Junior Achievement in 2011.  A professor at National-Louis University, Colette Tracy, introduced me to the organization.  Junior Achievement is an organization that teaches students about money, work, and starting businesses.  I am currently leading the 2nd grade Our Community program. 

My first teaching experience with Junior Achievement was the most honest and rewarding experience I have had.  During my first lesson, I remember wanting to know if what I was teaching was being embedded into the students’ knowledge bank.  In my second visit, the class practiced two different production types by making paper donuts.  During this lesson, the students were really excited, so I was nervous that they were not retaining any of the information I was teaching them.  Then on my third visit, I asked the students if they remembered what we talked about last time I was there.   This little 2nd grade girl raised her hand and fanatically said, “unit production and assembly-line production.”  My heart immediately melted.  I was so excited that these students retained the information I was presenting with all the commotion in the classroom the prior week.  This experience continues to encourage me to have my own classroom one day soon, and it taught me the importance of hands on learning.  I was able to experience the influence teachers have on students and the feeling of gratification when I knew they learned what I taught.

Below is one of the letters I received from a 2nd grade student during one of my fall 2011 classes.

Here are a few training videos of the 2nd grade Our Community program that I lead.

If you are interested in finding a volunteer opportunity, I highly recommend volunteering with Junior Achievement.  Take a look at the organizations website and decide if you are interested in joining.

Are you apart of any organizations that influences your progress in becoming an educator?  If so, please share!  

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