Friday, February 10, 2012


“I support you 100%,” that is what my husband, Kevin, always tells me.  I appreciate his words, but I appreciate his actions even more.  Working full-time, going to school full-time, and volunteering takes up many hours of my week; it leaves little time to do household chores.  Kevin has taken on the responsibility of taking care of all the household chores both inside and outside—he even does most of the cooking!  Most importantly, he supports me by pretending to be a student and letting me experiment different teaching strategy, lesson plans, and classroom management techniques on him.  He also reads all my school papers and offers me suggestions.  Kevin’s efforts have proved to me that he cares about my choices and wants me to succeed.  He gives me honest advice—I do not want any sugar coating.  Having this support at home is essential, and it motivates me to continue on my journey.

My Support: Kevin

Who makes up your support system?

I realize that having an at home support system is essential, but it is also important as a first year teacher to have a support system at school.  I read an article that discusses the importance of having mentors for first year teachers, and I think it is worthy of a posting.  Check it out below.

Do you think you will need a mentor teacher to stay in the teaching profession?

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